'Nam vet fights punk on bus.

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Shaun Tucker

Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
London, ON
Now, I'm not one to condone violence, but in this case it APPEARS as though the young guy has it coming. I had to watch this vid without sound (I'm at work), so I'm not sure what was said between the two. I apologize in advance for posting this if there is swearing or any racist remarks. From reading users' comments, it appears the only racial dialogue is between those who have watched the video and commented below it on YouTube & Facebook. Of course, everybody turns it into an issue of race when it may not be.

<object width="464" height="384" id="1734958" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" alt="Epic Beard Man Bus Fight Funny Videos"><param name="movie" value="http://embed.break.com/MTczNDk1OA=="></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://embed.break.com/MTczNDk1OA==" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess=always width="464" height="384"></embed></object>
<font size=1><a href="http://www.break.com/fights/epic-beard-man-bus-fight.html" target="_blank">Epic Beard Man Bus Fight</a> - Watch more <a href="http://www.break.com/fights/" target="_blank">Funny Videos</a></font>
I actually know someone who knows Thomas Bruso (the white man). He's a homeless crazy guy who makes money by telling his "war makes you crazy" stories to unsuspecting tourists. He's well-known to the Bay area psych hospitals and SFPD.
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I'd forgotten about this hilarious video. The black dude had it coming.

To make a non-racist observation, every time I've seen or heard of a bus altercation, it's always started by the melanin-enhanced.

In Baltimore, the outnumbered white couple received a life-threatening beating, in one of our most infamous incidents.

In Canada, I personally saw a black guy pick a fight with 3 young dudes and loose, and then run to the front of the bus and cry about it to the driver.

Some things never change...and something drastic will have to happen to ever get me to ride a bus again. Where's the Peter Griffin "Bus Song" when you need it?

The black guy defintely deserved the beatdown he received, then wants to continue to talk smack about how he's gonna kill the guy next time he see's him, grow up man and stop pulling the "Race Card" every chance you get. Dumbass !!!!

This is the world famous Amber Lamps video. You guys concerning yourself with the fight are missing the most important aspect of the video. The hot chick in the background now named Amber Lamps with her headphones on. There was practically a world wide search to identify her. I haven't kept up with the story, I am sure she has been found by now.
This is the world famous Amber Lamps video. You guys concerning yourself with the fight are missing the most important aspect of the video. The hot chick in the background now named Amber Lamps with her headphones on.

Now that's something we can all agree on, no mater what race you are.

You guys concerning yourself with the fight are missing the most important aspect of the video.

No I think you missed the point and perhaps the attractive girl in the background prefered to remain annonmous.

I also think it might be too harsh to say or imply that the Vietnam Vet was crazy or a psyco. When he moved to the front of the bus to get away from the situation and the punk he showed a lot more self-control than most normal men would. The punk then had to push the limit and go up to the front of the bus and hit the guy in the chest and that was his mistake and he paid for it.,,,and I'm glad he did.

As for the girl in the background, she was never the subject of the video, but then so much crap hits the Internet that people miss the point.

I also think it might be too harsh to say or imply that the Vietnam Vet was crazy or a psyco


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About those videos...

Well, I lost basically all respect I had for that dude. Which wasn't much, btw, since I saw his shirt the first time I saw the video, which made me a bit leery about him. :boohoo:

This dude claims that he is a "great fighter" and spends the first bit of the video massaging his own ego about how great of a "brawler" he is....learned to "fight" at 6, was KO-ing people in elementary school, blah blah blah...

If so, then what was up with the crap performance in the bus fight? For an arbitrary old man, I'd accept that fight. From an old man who acts as though he is Rocky Balboa and Rambo rolled into one, I can only ROFL about it.

The stupidity and language kept me from making it through the whole video. This guy for whatever reason reminded me of Rex from Napoleon Dynamite.

I think that much of what this guy says is pure BS, over-embellished and is only for shock value as are the storied about him.

It was stated that he was homeless, but his clothes are clean, he is fairly well groomed, he is not malnurished, and has money for beer and a ballgame..so I doubt that he is homeless now.

He does have some social issues that would indicate that he wants to be left alone, but probably developed after his service in Vietnam, and may or may not be related to his military service. I'm fairly sure that he would have never gotten into the military if he showed any signs of his current behavior. I suspect that his drug abuse is the real cause for his mental condition.

Having said that, I still do not think he is necessarily crazy, nor is he a psycopath. I don't think he is criminally insane and he does know the differnce in right from wrong, he just does not care what other people think is right or wrong..He is always right in his mind. Not to different from some other people here at this site..:grin:

Rich this is what is refereed to as an internet 'viral' video. Obviously it was the fight that was the focus of the person taking the video. However it was 'Amber Lamps', the girl in purple, that made it a 'viral' video. And for anyone not catching it or not familiar with the story. The black guy says at the end of the video 'bring me da amber lamps' (his slang for ambulance) and that is where the name for the anonymous purple girl came from. If not for her this would have just been another video of a drunk black guy and a crazy homeless white guy fighting on a public buss. However from what I understand now the sister of the white guy has come forward and stated her brother is full of crap. He is not homeless, not crazy and came up with this persona to tell stories, impress people, get attention and make money.
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That's what I said. The old vet's story was all BS, and it was obvious that he was not homeless or crazy, but it does have some social behavior issues.

The reason I felt that he had developed this persona is because when I was in Vietnam, I knew a guy just like him. He was a former Infantry guy on his 3rd tour in Vietnam and talked about all the Viet Cong he killed and said he cut off their ears as a trophy. He also used to brag about how tough he was until I got fed up with his BS and kicked his ass. The odd part was that he was from the San Franciso area...hmmmm?

Anyway, Thanks for clearing up the reference to "amber lamps", but does anyone know what the Black guy was talking about?? He sounds crazier than the white guy??


The black guy, Michael, was offended when he over heard 'Nam Tom talking about what he was going to be wearing to a wedding that weekend.

The story goes:

'Nam Tom was talking to his buddy about getting his brother to spit-shine his dress shoes for the wedding. Michael, who is drunk in the middle of the day, gets on the bus & hears "...brother...spit-shine my shoes." At which point he becomes enraged and accuses 'Nam Tom of being a racist - "Why does a brother gotta be spit-shining your shoes?" Not really understanding the way the conversation was headed, 'Nam Tom asks Michael how much he would charge if he were to spit-shine shoes and from there the story tells itself.

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