Moral of the Story: Dont mess with Daddy's little girl.

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I would've done the same thing, WTF was the 57 year old guy thinking. I know it's Germany but that's a huge age difference, he got what he deserved. JMHO.


Here's to the father.:haveabeer::haveabeer::supercool:
He told police: "I received a phone call anonymously that my daughter was involved with a guy 40 years older than her. You said you couldn't stop him - so I did.

"I saw it as my duty as a father."


And now the "caring father" goes to prison for life, and/or is sued for all his worldly possessions.

Also, as far as I know, both were above the legal age of consent in Germany (maybe that's why the police couldn't intervene), so IMO all ya'll are forcing your moral values onto others.

Though considering the 57 year old willingly submitted to the castration, I say he had no balls anyhow...the knife was just reconciling his physiology with his psychology. A pansy like that is dispicable IMO, but this whole action sets a bad precedent.

On that, the 57 year old pansy let himself be castrated because he feared the death threat...but he was left to bleed out post-castration. Ironic.

Also, I take it you guys are big Sons of Anarchy fans?

KL, never watched Sons of Anarchy because I don't have cable but heard it's a great show. The legal age is probably younger in Germany. The girl probably has a Daddy complex thus the older guy but we really don't know the whole story if she was abused, mistreated by the cradle robber or if the father just didn't like the fact that his daughter was seeing someone as old or older then he is. In any case, either way I think the father was right for doing what he did. Who knows what other minor girls this guy has done things to.

OOOWWWWWWW!! Holy Mary, Mother of God, what was that guy thinking? I mean its bad enough that the guy was older(by 40 years) than the girl and he deserved what he got. But now the father is gonna do time for the assault. I guess this isn't the good ole days. Bob :angry::angry:
Despite the rage this would cause, to even me, there are "ways" to make your point to Mr. Oldperv without inviting yourself into a vacation at the State Hotel............:fire::angry:......:toilet::grin:

I gotta be the guy that asks this question, but HOW the heck do you guys complain one day about a thread on Dave's Farm and the next day THIS convo is in full force?

Seriously you guys, what the FUDGE is up with that? Thought this was a TRUCK forum :banghead:
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He told police: "I received a phone call anonymously that my daughter was involved with a guy 40 years older than her. You said you couldn't stop him - so I did.

"I saw it as my duty as a father."

I certainly hope there was more to it than that. To take that type of action, simply based on the word of an anonymous caller, whose accuracy is completely unknown? How about first, you know, investigating and find out if it's true???
I love all the internet tough guys chiming in that they would do the same.

Obviously the age of consent in Germany is at least 17, so the old guy wasn't breaking the law. So, to break the law in such a blatant way to stop the old guy from seeing one's daughter doesn't seem like the best approach.

I certainly wouldn't do exactly the same this dad did. I'd like to think I'd come up with some better plan. Also, as bad as it sounds, what's to say the girl didn't actually LOVE this guy, or think she did, anyways.

I'm not excusing anything. But it seems to me that this was consentual. Would I be pissed...sure. Would I do everything within my power to talk (or otherwise introduce) some sense into these two as the dad? Sure. Would I break the law to do it? Probably least not in any way that I would get caught!

P.S. I'd like to think that the same dysfunctional father/daughter relationship this dad had with his daughter was probably what led to her looking for a father-figure to date. That being said, I suspect the same problem's in this dad's life, and in his head (whereever) that allowed the relationship with his daughter to be lacking such that she thought it was okay to date a much older man or even wanted/needed to, are probably the same things that could allow him to castrate someone. Some will say this guy gets "father of the year." I suspect he should get just the opposite. If he was doing his job and had the kind of relationship he should with his daughter she would have never been in that guys arms.

Yeah, call me a liberal for blaming the victim...but there was only one law broken here, and the breakdown between father and daughter no doubt started WELL before this old guy entered the picture.

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TJR, well said. If this guy had been a better parent, his daughter wouldn't have ended up with that guy. And now he's trying to correct the result of his horrendous parenting with another dose of horrendous parenting.


Though considering the 57 year old willingly submitted to the castration...

Huh? Where in the world do you get the ludicrous idea that he "willingly submitted" to it??? The article straight-out says that he was FORCED by the three assailants to remove his clothing, and then was castrated and nearly bled to death. (I think it's fair to presume that the reason the article doesn't specifically say that the castration or the bleeding were forced on him is because it's blatantly obvious that neither of those are events that ANYONE would "willingly submit" to.)

Or are you one of those idiots who say that every time a woman is raped, she "willingly submitted" to it because she failed to fight her rapist off? It's the same general idea.
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He's got me beat... My last 'real' g/f was 26 years younger than me. I'd have worried about that too, but I already knew her parents before we moved in together.
Bill V, how exactly was he "forced" to strip down and be castrated? Unless he was rendered unconscious, he had every chance to fight back.

He was threatened with a knife. Fighting back would either mean that he was stabbed in the struggle, or managed to get away. Neither occurred.

He submitted out of fear.

Can I prove it definitively? Not immediately. Can you disprove it? Not likely.

Is it probable? Yes--The airplanes on 9/11 were hijacked by individuals with box cutters, and everyone on the plane was too terrified to even attempt to retaliate.

Or are you one of those idiots who say that every time a woman is raped, she "willingly submitted" to it because she failed to fight her rapist off? It's the same general idea.

No, I'm not. I see a logical fallacy here, but to the point, this isn't the same scenario. You imply that the hypothetical woman tried to fight the assailant off. I contend that this guy didn't.

Shoot, in this case, it would have been better to die by getting stabbed with the knife in a struggle than to be castrated and almost bleed out from it. While we're all postulating as "Internet Tough Guys", can we side with this classic "death before dishonor" idea?

BTW, to clarify my sons of anarchy reference, in season one a rapist (who is a legal pedophile/hebephile) is castrated on-screen by Clay, a main character portrayed by actor Ron Pearlman.


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