Made In China

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They would sell like hotcakes.

Buying American is like so un-American these days.

LOL :D Nice

But it actually looks like Russian (Soviet) built Lada:

<a href=""></a>
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Bwahaha...the person must have been made in China too, because he/she disintegrated as well.

Was at a bone-yard (auto graveyard) last weekend. The owner talked about all the crushed cars that went to China a few quarters back, and how the cost of scrap metal was through the roof.

Will be interesting to see where all that steel went. I doubt it all went into the Olympic birds nest.

Makes for easier cleanup with wrecks on the freeway.....would hate to see what the ins cost would be.
They would sell like hotcakes.

Buying American is like so un-American these days.

Sad, but true. :(

Edit: The video is funny! :lol:
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What is sad is people being made to feel guilty for their choices.

What's more American than having freedoms?

Freedom to vote for who you want, go to the church you want (if any at all), to say what you want, and to BUY what you want.

We also have the freedom to make a better product than the next guy and market it better. If we do that right, then people will choose our products. If we don't, they want.

Only an unAmerican commie bastich would want to force people to support their product sales through corporate welfare.

I don't know if anyone can MAKE me feel guilty about anything. I think guilt comes from within. JMO
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you dont understand.

you MUST buy domestic products only. otherwise you are NOT an American.

dont buy what is best for you, buy domestic because you should :rolleyes:

btw, the big buy only domestic product people dont own anything made outside of the USA?
They would sell like hotcakes.

Buying American is like so un-American these days.


I have always found it amazing how many Americans hate America and things made in America when so many others almost (many do) loose their life trying to get here. Unreal.
I saw Bill Bennett the other day on Sean Hannity's show pitching his new book.

He called it the Gates test, If you open the gates to a country and people flee,

That is not a country you want to be in, America however, open the gates and everyone wants to come in. America is by far the best place to live on earth. Many nice places on this earth to visit, but wouldn't want to live there, except maybe Austrailia.:)

As Ken Hamblin says, "Find a better country!"

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