LONG ISLAND MEET OCT 10th and RAIN date OCT 17th !!!!!

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Todd Z

Well-Known Member
4 wheel drive
2nd Gen owner
V8 Engine
Sep 21, 2003
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
What engine do you have?
V8 engine
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2n Gen Owner

Looks like we are shooting for these days !!!!!!!

Please let us know if you going to make it, we are deciding how we will handle food and stuff..

Either pick up a hero and do some BBQ or something..

May ask each person to bring something and then we are all set..

ONLY out of pocket is the parking fee at the park which I believe is $5 or $7 bucks for the day !!

The park will be the same as the last 2 times, Everyone had a great time !!!

The park isn't that far from CT or MA or NJ, (About 3 hours)SO let make this a great first LI MEET!!!

DIRECTIONS are on the parks web site...

We may have a registration page for this or will just wing it !!!

WE ARE ALSO GETTING sponsors together to see what kind of prizes we can give away !!

Thanks !!

Todd Z
Hey Todd, would love to come, but don't think I can handle that long of a drive with the wife AND kids! Have fun, and post lots of pictures!
Jerry, I would not even think you would take that drive for a day meet... Save it for Louisville !!!!!

Who else !!! Lets make it great !!

Todd Z

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