Jimmy Johnson (Top Athlete 2010) Yahoo Sports

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You guys "chime" first. I'll post last, on this one.

Click "Kobe, Tiger, Brady". URL link being finicky, again.

Probably "user education" (Me)
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Top athlete....please. I de realize that race car drivers have to be in a little better shape than your average Joe but to consider them an athlete is just pushing it. I wasn't able to read the article that sws pointed to so I don't know the whole story but JJ is just a cog in the wheel IMO

I am not a fan of the CHASE system, IMO it doesn't reward the best overall team. If memory serves me correct JJ would only have 2 championships and they wouldn't be consecutive under the old system. I just fail to see the value in rewarding a few good efforts more than rewarding alot of good efforts
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l1tech: not considering drivers an athelete is crazy. I've driven a nascar truck and car around Darlington speedway fo 50 consecutive laps each,,, I am no athelete, that just about killed me. Sure.. I agree that JJ might no be desrving of the Top Athlete status,,, but he does his stuff YEAR ROUND! Not just 4-5 months like most other sports. People do concentrate on the driver when it is a team that won the championship. BTW,, the current Chase format sucks. They should award points 1-12 as the chasers finish. JG finishes 25 and last of the chasers, give 12 place points, but pay him for25. JJ finishes 14 but 3rd chaser,, give 3rd place points but pay for 14. Then each week would be exciting.....
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Jimp,,, no Darlington stripe--- way to scary,,, but I did average 122 mph... CAN WE SAY BLAST!!!! and broke... 1000$ for the day, but well worth it...

gatorrich: why does a basketball or football player need to be put first??? What makes them more special?
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gatorrich: why does a basketball or football player need to be put first??? What makes them more special?

Football, some of them, basketball, most of them...but I disagree with l1tech, most are athletes to some degree.
gatorrich: why does a basketball or football player need to be put first??? What makes them more special?

If you can't figure that out then I'm not going to explain it.

I simply stated my opinion. I'm not going to try to defend it. Sorry if you don't like it. :)

There are people on here that will spend all day typing out full pages of drivel to defend what they write. I don't play that game. :)
I put NASCAR racing in the same category as WWE wrestling. It's preplanned. It's just that NASCAR has a few more unforeseen events that derail the planned outcome.
Oh boy! You brought wrestling in to this. Be prepared to defend your comments. Every one and their mother will be on this one like flies on poop! :)
My FAVORITE Game and MORE Controversy.

Is CHESS a SPORT ??? ;)

No cards, dice, etc used. In other words, no element of chance.

Translates into one of the FEW games that require 100% SKILL.

(Checkers and Tic-Tac-Toe excluded)

P.S.- Still trying to figure out the WWF comparison to NASCAR. Huh? :huh:
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I loath Nascar... it is a sport even though it's boring to me. JJ has pulled off something that is extremely difficult... and he deserves the title. (Congrats JJ)

I loath Rap... but it is a form music. So is beating on a trash can lid in harmony with others. (stomp)

I loath WWE... it's not a sport (planned results and artificial fighting doesn't constitute competition) but a very well done play and apparently entertaining to most. (Rocky vs. Thunderlips was awesome though)

I love chess... it is a sport and something I am terrible at. (where's bobby fisher?)

Woppy- If you want to improve your chess game, check out Chess.com

It has helped my game immensely, it's free, with amazing options, and you can play up to two weeks per move.

If you want to challenge me, I play as (sws669) My old F-1 Boat Racing Number.

Go for it, we'll play an UNRATED game. Challenge me ANY TIME. Would be fun, bro.

BTW, the eccentric, reclusive, genius of Bobby Fischer,(correct spelling) passed away January '08 in Iceland. Amazing man, albeit strange.

Loved the movie, but FAR from reality. (Searching For Bobby Fischer)
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haha yahoo.com = chess for me. I got so many distractions at work now I don't think I can afford anymore! but thank you for the offer!
I remember years ago seeing a website that used a numeric system to help determine if an "activity" is a "sport". It had quite a number of criteria, and in each criteria the activity is judged from zero to a top number. (For most criteria, the top number was ten--but for some less-important criteria, the top number was five, and for other more-important criteria, the top number was fifteen or twenty.) When you got done, you totaled up the points for your activity--the higher the points, the more of a true "sport" it is. I don't remember all the criteria, but some (with examples of scoring for a few of them) were things like:

Teamwork--high score for things that involve constant teamwork like football, lower for partial teamwork like baseball (only one person at bat at a time, not the entire team) or auto racing (pit crews involved only during small portion of race), still less for things with even less teamwork involved like relay races, and zero for truly individual activities like archery or golf

Athletic agility

Athletic endurance

Athletic strength

Mental aptitude

Degree of physical contact with opponent

Criticality of assessing opponent on strategy: Activities where you assess an opponent's strengths and weaknesses and attempt to exploit those weaknesses (such as pitching inside to someone who can't hit inside pitches, or throwing to a receiver being covered by a player who just came into the game) get high scores, while activities which don't allow this (such as golf or archery) get low or zero scores

Role of officials: Activites where officials play little or no role in determining the outcome (such as bowling or archery) rate high, while activities where the officials are judges who choose victors subjectively (such as diving or figure skating) rate low

Entertainment value to non-participating observers


Made for a very interesting tool for assessing conversations like this--and also was a conversation piece in and of itself...

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