Iran invades Iraq: U.S. bombs fall on Tehran

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Josh Langel

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2002
Reaction score
Ft. Pierce, FL
Yes, this news is fake, but what do you guys think is going to happen between Iran and The U.S.?

Do you thihk we'll invade with our current problems at hand?

Do you think Iran will go into Iraq?

Here's some truth (see link)...

What do you guys think?
Iran wants to create tensions between the US, UN, and other nations. Why not? Create more tension, will result in a favorable election for Iran.
we need a "glass desert" over there,then none of them will give us any trouble.They don't care about us,I think we should be the same way!Blast the shiite out of them!!!:angry:
I have a serious question.. are you guys serious about dropping a Nuke? If so where would you drop it? Tehran? Bagdahd? Call me a pu$$y because I guess I just could not do it.. I think it would kill just tooo many innocent people- especially children...

have a serious question.. are you guys serious about dropping a Nuke? If so where would you drop it? Tehran? Bagdahd? Call me a pu$$y because I guess I just could not do it.. I think it would kill just tooo many innocent people- especially children...

1. I am.

2. Tehran. Most of the actual citizens of Bagdahd are on our side, however if we had nuked or firebombed Tikrit and Fallujah we wouldn't be in half the mess we are now because the bad guys would know we're serious.

3. Wouldn't bother me in the slightest. Terrorists' children grow up to be adult terrorists.

The way you win a war is to eliminate enough of the enemy that they lose the will to fight. Problem here is that the war is with a particular part of a particular religion and not a specific nation. A lot of the people in Iran LIKE the U.S., Levis, and rock-n-roll. That said, if you can find out where president Yabbadabbadoo is at, then send a nuke or bunker-buster up his shorts and take him out.

Remember that Ghaddafi got real quiet after Reagan sent a guided missile through his bedroom window.
I never understood the "rules of war".

War is war. War is hell.

I understand not purposely targeting the enemy's children, but then again, war is war.
Yikes Johnny! Didn't this country learn anything from Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki... Bombing of civilians = not cool, very shameful.
Bombing of civilians = not cool, very shameful

But then again, how long did it take for the end of the war to come? Less than a week. Good? Bad?

And, says who? A bunch of hippies? I guess that the deaths of the children on the places that hit the WTC and the Pentagon was of no consequence.

It's relevancy. I'm not for killing of innocents. I think that "colateral damage" should be avoided, but not at the expense of our cause or our soldiers. Sorry.

Without revealing anything classified or what not . .when I was in Iraq we saw some very very strong signs that Iran was helping with the insurgency in ways such as providing new and improved explosives . .
I don't think that knowing Iran is helping the insurgents is either classified or debatable. IF CNN reports that Iran is helping, then there is no debate since they are usually the ones saying "how bad" things are....
Yikes Johnny! Didn't this country learn anything from Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki... Bombing of civilians = not cool, very shameful.

Sure we learned. We won. That's the point. No shame in winning. I'd prefer NOT to kill civilians but if that's what we have to do to win a war, then I'm perfectly okay with it. I could push the button and it wouldn't bother me the slightest. Really.

Remember, they'd do it to us. Oh wait, they already did.

I mean no offense, but you've got to get off this kick that we've done something to piss them off. Sometimes there are just bad people that you can't be nice to and you've got to eliminate them before they eliminate you.

I've said before that if someone has a problem with my government, then take it up with my government. I don't like everything they do either. But leave me and the airplane I'm on out of it.

Rumsfeld simply stated, "We find them, then we kill them." No need for debate nor argument. Given the opportunity, the bad guys would happily walk down your street killing every man, women and child they could find for no other reason then that we are Americans. They would even include the Muslim Americans because they were not true to their faith. Only option when dealing with those sorts of people is to find them first and kill them. Period. End of discussion.
Given the opportunity, the bad guys would happily walk down your street killing every man, women and child they could find for no other reason then that we are Americans.

They are "the bad guys" precisely because they "would happily walk down your street killing every man, women and child.." Any you think that makes it OK for American to do the same thing right back to them (i.e. kill thousands of innocent, non-warring people in Tehran to punish their government's support of insurgents)!?

I'm 100% in favor of an America that really is "the good guy", and American government that doesn't fight terrorists by terrorising their home countrys right back in an equally shameful way.

Sure we learned. We won. That's the point. No shame in winning.

Are you honestly saying that you don't think using the atomic weapons in Japan to end the war was shameful? What is more shameful and cowardly than ordering the killing thosands of civilians from the comfort of the White House. There is often shame in winning, anytime you don't play fairly.
What is more shameful and cowardly than ordering the killing thosands of civilians from the comfort of the White House.

I think that's what is wrong with us today. We're are too worried about presenting the best image of ourselves to the world. So, in the mean time we p*ssyfoot our way around in Iraq, which has caused us a lot of grief.

The Americans are so terrible for dropping the bomb on Japan.... so terrible to end a war and destroy an enemy. If Japan or Germany would have had the bomb before us, it would be a different story. Instead, Japan would be so "shameful" or Germany would be "cowardly." But wait, THEY are the ones who murdered millions. AND WE'RE ARE THE SHAMEFUL?


It probably would have been better to throw them flowers.
They are "the bad guys" precisely because they "would happily walk down your street killing every man, women and child.." Any you think that makes it OK for American to do the same thing right back to them (i.e. kill thousands of innocent, non-warring people in Tehran to punish their government's support of insurgents)!?

Yes, absolutely.

Are you honestly saying that you don't think using the atomic weapons in Japan to end the war was shameful?

No I don't. Remember, they were sworn to fight to the death. We saved more lives of OUR soldiers by doing it that way, which is fine by me. The objective is to win.

What is more shameful and cowardly than ordering the killing thosands of civilians from the comfort of the White House.

Remember that it was a Democrat President who ordered the A-bombs dropped (back when the Dems had balls). A Republican has yet to do the same.

There is often shame in winning, anytime you don't play fairly.

Does that go for the Muslims too? Holing up and shooting from mosques, strapping bombs to kids, tying up and cutting the heads off a few Americans? Soldiers dressing in civilian clothes in violation of the Geneva Convention? Better call 'em up and tell 'em they're not playing fair.

All's fair in love and war. Again, the objective is to win. In JohnnyO's world, the end justifies the means.

93 octane.

I'm outta here for the weekend. Go Colts!

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