How to remove a Nasty smell

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Aug 12, 2003
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Dacula, GA
My 4 yr old son got sick in his booster seat in the back seat of the ST a couple of days ago. I have cleaned up everything I can see (Yuck!!) but the there is still a slight smell inside.

I have had a couple of different air fresheners in there and have used Fabreeze...

Anyone have any ideas as to how to get rid of this Nasty smell?

Fabreze...and there is a bug going around now, folks (due to the change in weather and people being cooped up and breathing stale air) so now is the time to put the puke mat under your carseats.
An old boaters trick was to put a bag of cheap, not treated or coated, charcoal in the boat when you store it for the winter. It absorbs all the moisture as well as the odors. Isimply put the bag on my back deck, sliced it open, flopped the sliced flaps out of the way and let it be until next year.

I realize your not storing your Trac, but it may be wroth putting some charcoal under the seats...

Also, white vinigar gets both the stain and smell of urinee out of carpets.

Soak a towel fairly well and put it on the carpet. Then just leave it there. It has to do with the evaporation process and liteally pull the urine out of he carpet.

Not sure if vinigar would harm your seats, but it is another option...
Marvin, I do not have the number readily available and I know it is tough to find his info but I used to always see a truck in the morning in Marietta, GA and it said, "Dr. SmellGood". I wrote the number down a bunch of times but do not know where it is right now. If I can find it, I will post it.

He appears to be a mobile outfit so he may be able to make it up to your neck of the woods. I had called him originally when I bought my ST about removing the smoke smell. Never went through with it but I believe he charges in the 70-80 range for a full cleaning of a ST.


p.s. Just took a look for the number as I saw it a few weeks ago but to no avail.

FOUND IT (while stopping 1.5 yr old from getting into his 18th bad situation for that 5 minute period of time). Dr. Smellgood - 404.664.6028
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When a friend of mine hit a vulture/buzzard he almost sold the car because of the smell. However, someone told him to use tomato juice and it worked. Not sure what you need to clean, if you can use it, or if it will work just thought I would throw this out here.

Also I am going to give the vinigar a try when my dog has an accident. thanks for the info

Another lifetime, I was driving a car full of friends and low and behold, one couldn't hold his own. Very nasty!! Driving with all our heads out the window to the nearest open convenience store, we bought paper towels and a bottle of amonia.

It did kill the smell of vomit but, I would like to say for the record that the solution was even worse!
Sorry about empty post.- This trick will do it every time. take about a cup of ground coffee (unperked) and put it in your car overnight. It will absorb the smell overnight. I used this trick in my fridge once when it had come unplugged and everything thawed in the freezer - very bad, and it worked.

Good Luck


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