how do I get Microsoft Word?

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Brett Hartwig

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
freeport, IL
So, my wife got us each new laptops for xmas last year. The problem is whenever I try to use Word for an assignment or memo at work, it says it's unlicensed/unregistered. Apparently it did not come with Word pre-installed. So, my question do I get Word on my computer? Do I download something? Buy something at Staples? What exactly am I looking for if I go to Staples- a card, cd, piece of paper? I am not very computer savvy so excuse my ignorance. I just want Microsoft Word on my computer like my old one (tried to use that registration but it says I have exceeded the allowable users) Please give me some guidance!
They should give you a phone # to call on that screen and get that taken care of. Otherwise, a DVD from staples Target, ebay, lots of places.

Many newer PC's come with a trial version of MS Office online (I think they call it Office-360?).

I think you can pay a monthly or annual fee and you can use all the Office apps. It's cost you less to start, but over time can cost you more.

If you prefer the full version of Word, or Excell, or the complete Office suite package, you can purchase the DVD to install the apps on your PC. You can also order Office or the individual apps online at places like Amazon, Office Depot, etc. Either way, be prepared for some Sticker Shock. It's a bit pricey. If your wife is a student, she can get student versions very cheap or free, but I'm not sure how that works

I have a very old MS Office-2007 Professional version on my PC running Windows-10 and it works fine....and have never encountered any incompatibility exchanging documents with anyone.

You can also use OpenOffice or libreoffice. These is free and will open all Microsoft Office documents, or you can save them as MicrsoftOffice documents.
I got full blown Office 2013 through my employee purchase plan with MS for $9.99. If your company offers it you need to use your work email as proof when buying.

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