Have you seen this video of this crazy lady?

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J Ellsworth

Jul 31, 2004
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Been alot of video post on here recently... I was forwarded this one from a buddy of mine... it's actually a broadcast of the show Hannity and Colmes from FOX News... its pretty said and pathetic there are people like this woman out there... but read the synopsis and watch it if you'd like...

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G470rfJQCI">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G470rfJQCI</a>

Video Description

Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes interview Shirley Phelps Roper, whose father is the idiot who organizes protests at funerals of soldiers. This is one of the few times that the conservative Hannity and liberal Colmes agree that Roper is an ungrateful nut who has no appreciation for the brave men and women in the military fighting for our country.

I am Christian (Catholic, actually), but even I think that Fred Phelps and his followers are nuts!

If you see a member of the Patriot Guard Riders, a group of motorcyclists and veterans that disrupts the anti-military protestors, thank them.

And as always, support our troops. They're the ones who sacrfice everything so that you and I can have freedom, even for those like Shirley Phelps Roper.

That lady is a koo-koo...she and her self proclamations, give christianity a bad rap...80% of her church members are family...maybe they are in-breeders...:wacko:
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What a f-ing headcase. Not one damn thing out of her mouth made any sence. She just kept saying the same thing over and over. Someone needs to show her the "wrath of god" and put a bullet in her head.;)
That is the most rediculous thing I've ever seen, words cannot describe the anger I feel after watching that, then again that's the reason why they do it, for attention. People just need to ignore them and they'll go away or do what stonemiser said :)
These people are not a church. Her and her family formed "the church" as a front. They go all around the country to protest any and everything hoping that someone will violate their civil rights and beat the sh!t out of them.

After that happens they have a nice lawsuit on their hands and most always win. BS, YES it is! But it's the new American way.
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Greg, I think you're right. In the background of all the video they had of these a**holes "picketing" you will notice Sherriff vehicles there. I thought "why doesn't someone throw something out of thier car at them? I would if I saw them with enough time to find something in the car to whip at them when I went past." Then I saw that there are authorities in the background. They probably allert the authorities were they will be just in case of something like that.;)
Well, when they make the 'made for tv' movie they can use Stephnie Weir from MadTV to play the part of this nut job.

The early years........

[Broken External Image]:

Or the even earlier years.....

[Broken External Image]:


[Broken External Image]:

Back to the nut job, Fast Eddie made the call. There must be some inbreeding going on, she has a look that is just 'off' a little bit. Need some chlorine (Trojan brand) in that gene pool.


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Yep, she is as crazy as a $hithouse rat.

I used to live in a kansas suburb of Kansas City. This ladies church is based in Topeka KS. They are as hillbilly as can be. (Actually, that does a disservice to hillbillies calling them that.)

They were on the news a lot for demonstrating in support of AIDS and stuff like that (not AIDS research, they support AIDS).

Her father Fred is the head of the church. He is as bad as she is.

Now I live in Iowa. The clip talked about how Iowa passed a law keeping the demonstrators at least 300 feet from funerals. I heard on the news yesterday that other states have done the same. And now the ACLU is taking West Virginia to court saying that a similar law is unconstitutional. That figures. What a load of $hit.

The Hawk :cool:
Wow is all I can say...

I am fine if you do not believe int he war or Bush or whatever. That is your right. But at the very least respect the fact they are dead and they are family to someone.

That is not the place to protest.
If it weren't for our soldiers dying in this war and wars past, she may not have the right to stand up and make an ass of herself. The SICK thing is the kids that were holding the signs...BRAINWASHED!...Spewing hatred and hiding behind a religion is the same thing the Muslim extremest terrorists do. You can get away with a lot of crap and get a lot of people to think it's the right thing to do if you do it " in the name of god"...If there were a 80 story planned parenthood clinic in NY, this bi*#$ would be first in line to fly an airplane into it.