Has anyone had a vehicle transported to another state?

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Tyler Lance 2

Active Member
Aug 5, 2004
Reaction score
Land O Lakes, FL
Looking at an explorer for sale that is out of state. About 900 miles away. This is the one we want. However I might be able to fly there and then drive it home. But is is really worth it to fly and then drive it home? Or is it better to have is transported? Anyone ever do this before? And do you know of a good company with good prices?


I've sent and received more than 50 vehicles so far this year. If you'd like some of my contacts, drop me an email.
I have a friend that does this 4 to 6 times a year. He lives in Ohio but owns homes in Florida.

It is a high end BMW and it is hauled in a closed trailer for about $600 dollars a trip..
Good question I have just started looking into a new (slightly used) vehicle for my wife and thinking about buying one from the Southern States so they have not been exposed to winter roads here in my area. It is amazing the difference between a vehicle that has been through a winter or two here compared to a southern vehicle. Anyway if I do I will most likely fly down and drive back as I think it will be a little cheaper, plus its a road trip!. I think IF you have the time to spare and you are able to book a 1 way with a discount airline, like Jet Blue or AirTran or the new super cheap skybus then it would be cheaper but maybe not if that is not an option due to your location or the location of the vehicle. The shipping cost of the vehicle obviously depends a lot on your location as well, I live a long way from any metro areas so there are not a lot of frieght or car hauling companies coming to my area for others.
When I bought my 2000 Explorer, I was in Florida and it was in Illinois. Cost me $200 for a one way ticket and about $100 in gas. It would be about $200 in gas now though...

I departed from Jacksonville, FL at 7:45 AM Saturday, arrived in Bloomington, IL at about 4:00 that afternoon. Seller picked me up, we did the paperwork and I was headed home by 5:30. I arrived home about 9:00 Sunday morning in Gainesville, FL. I really don't remember much about going through Atlanta around 3:30 AM..... in hindsight I REALLY should have stopped and got a room. I made one stop and napped for about 45 minutes, but that was it for sleep since I had left the day before. Lots of Mountain Dew, and it was cool out so I kept the window down to get the air on my face....
I have vehicles shipped to me and ship them from me regularly. Usually, if a customer is within about a 5 hour drive, they'll pick it up. Otherwise, I have to ship it.

One notable exception: A guy from Oakland bought my McLaren. He flew here and drove it back. Atlanta to Oakland.
When I was on a year long assignment for my then-employer in Florida in 2001-2002, they transported my vehicle from MN to FL. I don't remember how much it cost. But when the assignment was over, my parents were interested in coming down to Florida for a weekend, and were willing to drive the car back. Because it was less expensive, my employer agreed to fly them down, and pay for the gas for the drive back.

I forget the name of the company they used, but they were based in Hollywood, FL. They did a decent job--although as I said, it was cheaper to pay for two plane tickets and a lot of gasoline.

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