Feeling very old today

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Gerry Mac

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Winnipeg, MB

Well, I turned 60 today. My old nemesis, retirement is banging at the door. I wonder how much longer I can hide.

Gerry Mac
Well, hell. No wonder you feel old. YOU ARE!!! :banana:

Happy Birthday!

(I turn 50 in a few months and feel like it is about time to lay down and die...) :boohoo:
Happy birthday Gerry. May you have many more. Its really tough when you look at your life and realize there are more days behind you than ahead. Been feeling this way myself. Bob
Know what I am finding really hard. I find myself comparing my life to how well others have done with their lives. I have a friend I have known all my life. He is the Chief of Police in his city. I have another who retired as superintendent. And on and on and on. I guess, I did better than some with the gifts that I have but I am sure I failed to use many also.

Two divorces, kids that ignore me and the last shift ahead sometime. I remember the best day of my life and I fear the worst day.

Do we have a doctor on here?............................Am I sounding "normal"


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I know how you feel. I was 60 back in May. Beat you on the other front also. Been retired for 5yrs...LOL....Have a good one.....:supercool:
I'm no doctor, but I did play one in the hideout years ago, and I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last year. However, I think you are experiencing "very normal" thoughts. I fall into a funk at times thinking about how much of a loser I am, but then I also look around and see that God has spoiled me very rotten compared to 99.5% of the people on this planet.

I think we all think we could do better with our lives- the point is that we have to learn to love ourselves and accept ourselves for who we are. Also, we also have to realize that at every stage of our lives we "did the best we could", and that hopefully we have learned from our experiences, both good and bad.

I try to remember my best bud- Jesus Christ- and to remember that He is walking with me all the time, whether I want him there or not. Several times in my life I look and there was only one set of tracks (you know the rest of the story), but it is TRUE.

A non-religious book that is a fun, easy read that had a profound lasting effect on me was "The Road Less Traveled" by M. Scott Peck. This book really helped me to understand and to organize my thoughts about life--really made a lot of sense to me.
Damn, you guys are sounding old! Geez... I'm 51. Plan on working til I drop, which I hope is sometime in the next 10-15 years. I took the advice of Malcolm Forbes when I was 24, and enjoyed my youth, because I knew when I got older that I'd be running the family business. So I went and did all the things I've wanted to do my life, and now that I'm older, seems like all that's left is work. Which is depressing in it's own right, but my job's not THAT bad. I own a pizza restaurant and a few rental properties. I spent the first 35 years 'playing', so I have no regrets. I also have no current or ex wives, and no kids. (Just 2 furry ones.) So all my money goes for MY toys, which is good, because I have expensive hobbies. Hardest part is dating women. They're all getting ready to retire, and I'm just getting into the workforce. Plus most of them have daughters that I'd like to date...
Some things to consider.

I have been retired for 12 years. The only regret that I have is that I didn't retire sooner.

I never had a day planner until I retired. There are so many things to do in a day I don't have the time to squeeze them all in before I am relegated to a drool cup and a football helmet. I have a lots to do because my time is limited. My body can't keep up with all the things I want to do. I live by the creed that "pain is part of life, misery is self induced".

I no longer worry about CT Scans, dying in a spectacular accident, how the idiot in front of me is driving, or what anyone else thinks. Past 60 you can tell anyone "I am over 60 and I don't want to do that" and you don't have to explain why to them.

I went surfin-in-a-hurricane and did so many things that should have ended my life before 60 that looking back I am nothing but thrilled to have made it. So many don't.

Happy Birthday Enjoy every day

Turned the big 60 about 3 weeks ago. Been to damn busy to even think about it. With 27 years as a firefighter and a bunch of other crazy things I've done in my life, I'm just happy to have made it this long. I retired from one job a few years ago but still work full time and hoping to fully retire some day. Gotta get my son through another year and a half of college first.
63 today,semi retired,purged of all my past evil undulgences,have never been happier.

spent all my money on women and booze,the rest I wasted.

as Waylon jennings said: I may be used,but I am not used up.

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