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Frank screwyourednecks

Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
Munster, IN
With a few days left until election day, Obama is cruising, and things are pretty much over for the McCain campaign. Unless something horrific is revealed about him in the next few days (unlikely, but not impossible given the oppositions propensity for swift boat/Rove style smears), the countrys common sense will prevail, and Obama will walk to victory.

In order to compete, McCain had to come up with something truly original. He tried that with the nomination of Sarah Palin as his running mate, but then either McCain, or his campaign wouldn’t let her be herself. Whether because of irrational fear or realistic assessment, they mis-handled Palin completely, and shielded her from the press, where she might have envigorated the Republican Party. Instead of getting the McCain of 2000 (who was at least interesting), we got the zombie of MaCain in 2008. I do like the man. He loves America.

As it is, Obama’s numbers have continued to improve in the past few weeks, resulting in an increase in seats in both houses of Congress. Frankly, I’m not bothered by that. The misbehavior of the Republican Party over the last few years deserves to be punished. Hopefully, they’ll go sit in the corner for a while and think about what they’ve done.

Though Obama is a bit further to the left than I prefer on some issues, there would potentially be things to like about his presidency. Hopefully he will repair our standing in the international community, and bring the troops home and get the economy on track.

Regardless of your political ideologies, Obama is not going to touch the second ammendment. He is not a Muslim. He is not a terror ist. AND he does care about creating jobs and helping the WORKING class. Let it happen people!

I certainly hope that all of us can come together in this time of turmoil, and unify the American goals of prosperity and peace. I stated before, America cannot be successful abroad when , at home, we are in shambles. Besides, the system of checks and balances HAS worked. The right-leaning folks will see thier time come again sometime in the future, and hopefully it re-incarnates as a more people-friendly, less religious, straight shooting party. We need the G.O.P.

The two-party system works. Sometimes it swings too far to the right or left for the average person. But it does work. I look forward to the new ideologies of Barack Obama and the Democratic led government. Lets all get on board and get past the bickering, and make America the sole super power that we need to be. My 401 K needs the boost baby, I dont want to have to work until im 70. Long live America!


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Four years ago Kerry was thought to have a comfortable lead and a lot of democrats got lazy and didn't bother to vote. Guess who didn't win. They may have learned their lesson but who knows?
Kudos Frank. As I have stated I think Obama is too much a socialist and viewing his associations of radical thinking individuals I feel that is is very far to the left than I can tolerate. You are absolutely right in that the Religious Zelot nuts (extreme right not bashing religion) are the determent to the Republican party. If you let the Republicans the option of Pro-Choice instead of insisting on Pro-Life there would be no contest in my opinion.

Frank, if you look at the polls over the last three days Obama is slipping slightly to McCain. I personally hope that continues and Obama doesn't get a chance to make this the United Socialist States of America.
Frank, Don't worry about your 401K and other investments will be fine, however you will work until your taking a dirt nap unless you have a few million bucks tucked away.

Wow, with light at the end of the tunnel and smelling a victory for his side, Frank, one of the most divisive people I have ever heard calls for unity, healing and hope that America can get back on track.

Ponderous. People like him don't even get that they are what's mostly wrong with America the past 20 years.

<B>Pollster John Zogby</B>: "Is McCain making a move? The three-day average holds steady, but <B>McCain outpolled Obama today, 48% to 47%</B>. He is beginning to cut into Obama's lead among independents, is now leading among blue collar voters, has strengthened his lead among investors and among men, and is walloping Obama among NASCAR voters. Joe the Plumber may get his license after all. "Obama's lead among women declined, and it looks like it is occurring because McCain is solidifying the support of conservative women, which is something we saw last time McCain picked up in the polls. If McCain has a good day tomorrow, we will eliminate Obama's good day three days ago, and we could really see some tightening in this rolling average. But for now, hold on."

Maybe this is why Frank wants to smoke the peace pipe. :D
Kerry had an 11% lead on the day of and lost. I don't care want polls say. The fact is the person you gets the most electoral votes will win.
It's interesting. There seem to be two "Franks". The lowercase, "frank", only speaks babble. The other "Frank" writes longer, and with some good logic. Are they the same person?
"Frank", and "frank" are both aliases that have been used by the same person. He just began to capitalize the name as he got more cocky and arrogant. Much like Obama, Biden, Barney Frank, Pelosi, have done in so far as showing their true intentions and Socialist natures as Election day approaches.
Once again, McCain supporters have no real ammo, so they reply with name calling and false labels- just like their candidates. Socialist? McCain supported the $700 billion bailout and wants the government to buy up billions of dollars in mortgages at face value! Arrogant? McCain picked a VP nominee whose stated positions are false (Bridge to nowhere) and nonsensical (Alaska near Russia:cool: as foreign policy experience) and tells us she is the most qualified VP choice in memory. McCain bought the package and I hope he sinks with it.....
Once again, McCain supporters have no real ammo, so they reply with name calling and false labels- just like their candidates. Socialist? McCain supported the $700 billion bailout and wants the government to buy up billions of dollars in mortgages at face value! Arrogant? McCain picked a VP nominee whose stated positions are false (Bridge to nowhere) and nonsensical (Alaska near Russia as foreign policy experience) and tells us she is the most qualified VP choice in memory. McCain bought the package and I hope he sinks with it.....

And yet, you welcome with open arms an ecomomic package from obama that is bound for failure. You also welcome with open arms someone who refuses to provide us with documentation regarding his contrubutors, his transcripts, his financial records preceeding public office or even his birth certificate.

For an eye surgeon, you don't see very clearly...