Distracted Driving

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Andy Chase

Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
Coon Rapids, MN
They actually have video of this guy... He's got a book behind the steering wheel, staring at a Kindle E-book and then he answers his phone.:banghead:
OMG.. he's literally doing 4 things at once, if you count "driving" as one of them.

Is it possible for the person who video taped this to send it to local LEOs with a license plate # attached?
I understand how this is dangerous, but...

...at what point does the uproar turn into "thought police" kind of stuff akin to the movie "Minority Report?"

Yes, we can all see egregious examples and say: "Hey, this guy is a danger behind the wheel!", but where do we draw the line?

What one person can do and not be a danger, another cannot. Some people can do three things and drive at the same time, others can't even drive...period.

Instead of focusing and fixating so much on bad actions that MIGHT cause issues, why not focus more on harder fines, penalties, and loss of driving privs when people actually cause accidents (er, motor vehicle collisions)?

Just to point out, the people recording this are distracted also... I realize the passenger is recording, but the driver of that car is speeding up, slowing down, and watching the guy in the other car because he was commenting on it.

Not trying to take a side, but just adding a fact.
when people actually cause accidents (er, motor vehicle collisions


I understand your point and respect your right to your opinion BUT consider this.

We recently had a collision here in my city (no longer called accidents) involving a young lady who had been drinking and was texting when she drove through a red light on an urban highway. Problem arose when an auto with 5 young ladies drove through that intersection on a green light.

Those three factors

1. age/maturity driving experience

2. Impaired

3. texting

resulted in the the deaths of two beautiful young ladies and another in a coma.

So what I am suggesting is that it is not appropriate to standby and wait for foolish people to kill innocent people or themselves for that matter. There is a moral obligation to protect the innocent from the guilty.


Gerry Mac
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Ya can't fix STUPID ! !:cheeky:

Anything beyond adjusting the radio or a quick phone call should be done after you pull over ....... I don't care what kind of superior being/super intell/god you may think you are! I drive for a living now and I see it daily! :angry::angry:
Gerry Mac,

I don't disagree with you as to the intent to protect the innocent from the guilty.

My point is that we are all guilty of distracted driving, and we will never push distracted driving to a ZERO rate of incidence. That will never happen. It just won't. We all drive distracted from time to time.

The issue and my point is that as we try to enforce certain forms of distracted driving, where exactly do we draw the line. Eating is okay, but texting is bad? Drinking a soft drink OK, but reading your Kindle is not? Drinking your coffee is fine, but applying makeup isn't? Changing out your CD changer okay, but typing on your wifi laptop computer isn't? Just had a fight with your spouse and are all "in your head" about it while driving is okay, but talking on your cellphone isn't?

Just trying to understand where all this goes.

Heck, I've seen people that simply can't drive, nonetheless drive and carry on a conversation, or do just about anything else.

Get the bad drivers off the road. Get those that blatantly cause collisions through bad choices off the road (1 strike) for a lengthy period of time. Do these things, and the problem of distracted driving will likely fix itself, without us having to come up with what could be hypocritical, non-sensical guidelines for enforcement.

I'd be REAL pissed, as some clown on his cell phone rear ended me in the Mustang several weeks back, causing over $7000 in damage. I wanted to beat him in the middle of the street for being so stupid. I don't care how well you can 'multi task', driving is a full time job, and the rest of that stuff can wait until you're pulled over.


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