Dick Cheney Alberto Gonzalez indicted

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Frank screwyourednecks

Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
Munster, IN
More to come Im sure...

Cheney And Alberto Gonzalez indicted in a (imagine that) corruption scandal at one of thier "private" prisons in Texas.

Cant wait for Bud to start making his usual excuses for the Republican (current) criminals. What a complete joke.
WOW, I got called out again!

I've been at the Wal-Mart parking lot...still no show:lol:

Here's is the reference to the "indictment" Mr. Frank is referring to.

If wrong doing occurred by any public official, they should be dealt with,

I always believe in the Rule of Law.

No "excuses" are in order. Pretty simple I think even you can figure that out.

Everyone wishes you'd get all your facts straight before you post.

Making slanderous statements against a sitting vice president

is not a very good idea.

You NEVER have a leg to stand on when you post with no details,

facts, articles just SPEW....

STFU. K, thanks.

That's funny, I don't care who you are!:lol:

I can't speak for everyone else, but personally, I'm tired of your crap. This is a Sport Trac site, not a Democratic Party site. Your guy won. Congratulations, you're fantastic and awesome and I wish I were as happy as you must be right now, but we all clearly have internet. We can see CNN and Fox News (Gasp). Your very first post in this thread was confrontational. Why? Because you love to stir up some shite. It's devisive and unnecessary. Compliment someone on their mudflaps or discuss the correct oil, and I'll have some respect for you, but as of this moment, you're slightly between the AIDS virus and a Corporate Attorney in my book. Was I in any way unclear this time?
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Did you hear Bill Clinton was only the second president to be impeached?

Not even Nixon was impeached!

Bill Clinton lost his law license.

What does this prove?
Frank shows up out of his cave like Osama Bin Laden,

spews abit then disappears for a while.:lol:

yet, noone understands what he says,

it's all Farsi or some other language.

STAFF! STAFF! We need a translator

on the Sport Trac website, there's another

message from Frank!:lol:

It seems to be encrypted....:lol:

Sounds to me that once again the libtards are more concerned about the criminals than the victims.

I agree. I stopped visiting the site as a rule. Now some schmuck starts this garbage. Go post on the DNC or hate America forums.

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