Deerfield Precision SS Brake Lines

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1st Gen Owner
V6 Engine
2 wheel drive
Feb 27, 2009
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Kailua-Oahu, Hawaii
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V6 engine
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1st Gen Owner
2001 Front only

Later 2002 and 2003 -05 Front and Rear

Linked below. No MyST library, can't post pics.

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Nothing new.... :) ......

Had mine on my ST since 04 ish.....

Also just uploaded 4 different photos to library.... Did re seizer and all worked.....

I don't understand why people cant upload photos.

Todd Z



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Posted because these are readily available PRE MADE made lines.

Library disappeared long ago, I haven't been able to post pics since.
Meant to say I can't UPLOAD pics to library.
I will be visiting a new shop here in Miami and getting an estimate for some custom lines for my Gen2 STA. If anyone is interested let me know. I'm sure the more people, the less the price.
I just installed a front and rear set of these yesterday. I ordered mine in stock length, front and rear. My truck is a 2001 (drum brake rear), but part of the reason for the purchase was that I was rebuilding the brakes on a 2005 axle (disc brake) that I was preparing to swap in for a ratio change, the disc brake upgrade, and the fact that mine was starting to leak badly. Oh, and I got it complete for about $95 from the local U-pull yard! Here's my thoughts...

First, shipment was fast. Ordered late on Friday, package went out Tuesday morning and I had them on Thursday.

Build quality is very nice, all brackets fit perfectly, installed with the supplied copper washers (no thinner than any others I've seen) and they're leak free thus far.

I can't say much for an improvement in feel just yet, but I think I'm still chasing another problem somewhere that's leading to a spongy pedal. It's possible the truck got some air in the ABS unit at some point prior to me having it and I may have to find a scan tool to cycle it while bleeding. At the least, they're no worse than before, and they look REALLY nice, lol!

Now for the problem... With the truck on the ground, all is well. Lift the truck from the frame, letting the rear axle droop, and the hose from the rear splitter to the frame hard line is too short. Thankfully, I had the truck up on jackstands when I installed them, and couldn't even get the line into the bracket on the frame, which alerted me to the problem. I jacked the rear end up about 2-3" and had enough length at that point.

I'd say that 95% of the time, there will be no issue, but if I take my truck in for a tire rotation and they lift it by the frame like they normally do, I'd be willing to bet that hose would break. I sent an email to Deerfield yesterday about it but haven't heard anything back yet. If I don't get a response over the weekend (which I don't expect) I'll be on the phone to them Monday morning. They either need to make that line longer, or possibly put a 90-degree fitting on the end so that the hose doesn't have to make such a hard bend, or both. I'll update back when I know more.
It seems that there may be a problem other than when lifted by the frame, such as full droop when driving.

Question: Could the fit issue be due to the different brake setup on the replacement differential (meaning that the product, as purchased, is fine for the intended application and it is your chosen application that is creating the problem) or are the brake lines the same for each differential?
The chances of that much rear axle drop during driving are slim, but could be possible in some situations, hence my 95% comment.

As for the rear axle swap, it's not an issue. The DP rear lines are only made for trucks with disc brake rears (late 02-up) which my truck essentially now is. The hard line on the frame is identical between drum or disc rears, and everything else is the same as far as rear suspension between the trucks.
Update... Thus far, their customer service sucks. It's now Thursday and I've gotten no response to the email I sent on Friday, nor to the phone message I left on Monday and Tuesday. I've tried calling every day and no one has answered, it just goes to their voicemail after a few rings.

I don't know how large of an operation they're running, but if it's only 1 or 2 guys, and you're planning to take a vacation or something, it would be prudent to update your voicemail or website with that fact.
Dan, DP is a very small operation. They are primarily a machine shop that sells brake lines and other small accessories on the side.

Counted only 56 DP invoices when I initially put the SS lines in my cart 8/29/15 until now. Agree though, J.B. should reply much faster.
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