Confederate flag

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never had one. I dont have anything against it either. People are so touch feely offended. Someday no one will speak....:banghead:
The problem with the Confederate flag is that is symbolizes different things for different people.

It has always stood for Southern Pride, however others have used it as a banner for White Supremacy and Racism.

And just like hand guns, we blame the gun whenever someone gets shot....therefore the gun must be evil?? Guns don't kill people, flags don't kill people..its people who kill people.

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I don't know where to buy one. I guess I could go to a gun show or drive south from Chicago a few hours and Im bound to find a chick fil a or wal mart with some
For someone not familiar with the South, I'd bet you'd be really surprised how many black folks have a rebel flag. Please don't speak of which you know nothing about.

I don't own one but I don't own any flag. Why do you care?
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With the total handgun ban and lack of Confederate flags flying in Chicago how is it always in the running for the murder capital of the world? Maybe the problem really isnt't guns or flags or other inanimate objects.
There are issues in Chicago no doubt. Detroit Cleveland Gary...etc...

Look at Detroit as an across a 100 yard bridge into adjacent murders.. Economy healthy, no ghetto culture.

Its an American thing. The government (controlled and bought by corporations) have eliminated Unions and with it the middle class. Our country WANTS two classes not 3.

Its not a coincidence my southern friends, that the American people are at odds with one another..when we are not united, the man can get whatever he wants. Its by design...wake up.

The south is holding the country down with their backwards beliefs and ways

What do those cities you listed have in common over the last half century? It's not the banning of a symbolic piece of fabric. It's deeper than that and it's perpetuated through a certain habit, or right.
when we are not united, the man can get whatever he wants

Obama's THE MAN, not George Bush......and the U.S. has gotten worse in the last term! And we are more divided as a country than we have ever been that I can recall!
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The confederate flag was to honor the men who died fighting for what they believed in. Now I recommend we go to the United Nations building and take down every flag that represents countries who we fought and men that died for their beliefs.

Now I recommend we go to the United Nations building and take down every flag that represents countries who we fought and men that died for their beliefs.

Why ??? :smack:

Excellent point TrainTrac, :supercool:

Now see my post about David Letterman's "Top 10 reasons to vote Democrat" :bwahaha:

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The habit/right I was referencing in the destruction of those cities was the right to vote. The people have voted the cities into their problems. It is their right and that is the beauty of our republican form of government that allows us to have case studies through trial and error. We can see the results of the errors but the experimenters like to blame outside influences rather than recognize the flaw in their hypotheses.

Unfortunately, we're moving away from allowing states to test policy and nationalizing everything. Even worse, we're using the same flawed logic that is failing all across the nation.

Not saying more conservative areas are void of problems but personally, I'd rather have wealth inequality than total poverty like Detroit.

:back2topic: Anyone see the story about the Connecticut "man" call 911 because he saw confederate flags at a flea market? He reported shaking uncontrollably and panicking. Those are the kind of people I'd like to surround myself with. LOL
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I think Frank is just trying to stir the pot. He has nothing meaningful to say, but likes to make outrageous statements to instill some angry response...then drops out of sight until he has another brain-fart that rubs our fur against the grain.


That's where I was going with my thread about trolls. He fits the description too perfectly.

Sorry, I did not read your Trolls post, but after I did, you hit the nail on the head.


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