Clueless in Nevada

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While I agree that the guy is an idiot, but it is possible the bailout saved Ford. If GM and Chrysler would have failed, odds are, their suppliers would have failed. If Ford uses the same suppliers as GM and Chrysler do, then Ford would be scrambling to find new suppliers and possibly went bankrupt in the process.

Still, the guy is an idiot, but not sure if he is thinking Ford got a bailout or if he is refering to the supplier base.

I think the way it helped Ford is by taxpayers rejecting those companies who took the Bail-out money and purchased from a company that did not. Remember, there was no guarantee that GM would survive even after the Bail-Out. If GM went under, where would you go for warranty service or parts for your late model GM vehicle.

Before the Bail-out Ford was also in deep financial straits like GM and Chrysler. They probably were a little better off then GM because they started scaling back 4-5 years earlier. Perhaps they even had enough vision to suspect that there would be backlash by the American tax-payers against companies that took the Bail-Out money. They may have seized the opportunity to gain a big market share of sales by not alienating the tax paying Americans, and sales that might have gone to GM or Chrysler were shifted to Ford.

I would like to think that Ford had strategicly planned it this way...Bravo for them!

You can watch this and see what an idiot he is...IMO


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The sad thing, having lived in Nevada for 11 years, there is a good chance he will be re-elected. Trying to get rid of Harry is like :btddhorse:
I'm trying to figure out how and why Sharron Angle says such weird things. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in her's gotta be a royally f'ed up place.

I love the way she bolted after agreeing to take questions at her own press conference a couple days ago...

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
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Mark, are you working for the Obama Admin now?!?

That video looked like she was running late for another function...

To say she ducked out of her own press conference is a little

much. I don't think she would call a press conference in a gas

distributor plant, I think people took this youtube video

out of context like Obama did....
Droll said:
Harry Reid - "Auto bailout probably saved Ford"

This is the leader of the senate?

God help us.


I don't know the context of what has been said, and I really don't so much care, but there could be a lot of truth to the statement above.

Consider this: Many people bought Fords and NOT Chevy's or Chryslers the past year to two for NO OTHER REASON than the fact that Ford DID NOT take bailout money. Many people really, really liked that. It gave them confidence in Ford, and the fact that other companies took tax money out of their pockets left a sour taste in their mouths.

So, if you consider the statement in that light, clearly it could be viewed that the bailout helped Ford very much...maybe even reinvigorated if not actually saved Ford.

Wait a minute.......

So your logic is that since the government gave $$ to two companies, they actually helped the company that did not get the $$ because consumers don't like to patronize government supported companies?

That means if we gave $$ to McDonalds and Burger King, the effect would also be to help Wendys? And you think that some politician planned that? Using that logic the government should give $$ away to almost everyone, and everyone else will benefit too.

I agree with your point that his statement could be taken that way, and I also agree that many consumers were driven to Ford due to their skepticism of GM and Chrysler taking the $$. But the process is convoluted.

How about this simple plan

1. No bailout

2. GM and Chrysler file bankruptcy

3. Companies are re-organized into a leaner, more efficient entities (or they go out of business) - AND THE MARKET FORCES DRIVE THE DEMAND FOR AUTOS TO THE REMAINING MANUFACTURERS!

I think Ford would have fared even better. (so would Chrysler and GM).

But getting back to Harry Reid, I agree with you that there may be some truth in what he said, but I am very skeptical that he actually knew what he was saying. Also the effect was a by-product, not planned. Im more willing to see this as a slip of the tongue (or mind). But expect much more from the leader of the US Senate. I want that individual to be one of the sharpest knives in the basket.

Droll asks:
So your logic is that since the government gave $$ to two companies, they actually helped the company that did not get the $$ because consumers don't like to patronize government supported companies?

No, that's not my logic. That's my assertion.

My assertion is that there were no doubt many, many American that were both ticked off by and lost faith in GM and Chrysler because they "took the money." The only LOGIC comes into play with the recipricol of that assertion. The recipricol, as stated, is that since Ford did NOT take the money, many people no doubt ended up liking Ford better than GM and Chrysler and many no doubt were left with a higher confidence in Ford than in GM or Chrysler. That means that the bailout HELPED Ford.


My assertion is that there were no doubt many, many American that were both ticked off by and lost faith in GM and Chrysler because they "took the money." The only LOGIC comes into play with the recipricol of that assertion. The recipricol, as stated, is that since Ford did NOT take the money, many people no doubt ended up liking Ford better than GM and Chrysler and many no doubt were left with a higher confidence in Ford than in GM or Chrysler. That means that the bailout HELPED Ford.

Nothing hidden here TJR. Below is the quote and all this proves is Harry Reid is just another jerk-off politician spouting rhetoric before checking his facts.

"Isn't it a good thing today in America that we have an automobile manufacturing sector? If it had been up to them [Republicans], General Motors would be gone. If it were up to them, Ford Motor Company would probably be gone. Chrysler definitely would be gone."


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