Bucket List

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Mine's a little different than your typical "Bucket List" stuff.

My son (nine years old) can't speak as a result of developmental and oral motor delays, and speech apraxia. He's been in intensive speech therapy since about three months old. He's come a long way in his short life, working hard, and developing the ability to form words a little at a time. Last year, for the very first time, the speech therapist got him to say "Dada". For him, this was a huge accomplishment! And it just about made my heart burst out of my chest with love and pride for him, because prior to this, he's been able to say "Mom" and "Mama", but never anything approximating "Dad", "Dada", "Daddy", etc. He communicates by alternative methods such as signing and an augmentative communication device, but words can't even begin to describe how I felt upon hearing him say "Dada".

So my bucket list has consist of only one item:

1. To hear my son speak in a complete sentence, or as close as he's able to before I die.

I've no doubt he'll get there. He's come so far in just nine short years, and continues to work hard at it!