Al Gore in the news

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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2004
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., NC
Urges 'Civil Disobedience' ???????

What a guy. Too bad he didn't get to be prez. :wacko:

Oh yeah, I'm a hack. There, I said it for you. :lol:
I am what my father in-law calls a tree hugger, really not even close to that, I just am trying to be more enviromentally contious. More people and companies need to be more enviromentally contious but there is a line that shouldn't be crossed and he may have crossed that line because he won't be put in jail, the people that blindly follow what he says will. I wonder if he will come bail them out of jail or give them a new job when they lose theirs because they can't show up to work because they are in jail? People in authority or in places of "high asteem" need to use their heads before they go spouting off.

He looks like he hasn't gone to the bathroom in weeks in this photo. Maybe he just needs to take an exlax. It won't help the environment, but it might make him less crazy. Also I wonder what plastic surgery does to the environment? He's obviously had it, since it looks like his face is so tight that it is about to rip off the front of his head. It is really sad to watch people when they become senile. First Reagan, now Gore.
He's insane. And I don't mean that figuratively, I truly think he's lost it. All of his life, his daddy Al Gore, Sr., told him that he was going to be President some day. He was groomed his entire life to become President. Sure, he became interested in environmental causes back in the '80's and '90s, but he didn't go as all out into this like he's done in the last eight years.

After losing the 2000 election he was immediately rendered irrelevant and a loser. At this point, I think his mind was, to paraphrase his first book "in the balance". He was so desperate to remain relevant and desperate for attention, that he went full bore into environmental causes and the BS sham of man-made global warming.

But what makes him look even more ridiculous now is that while preaching to the rest of us about "reducing our carbon footprint", he's living in a 10,000 sq ft, 20 room mansion that consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home, flying all around the world in private jets, and driving around in gas-guzzling limos. He tries to "justify" this by telling us that he's heavily invested in alternative energy programs, and that he buys "carbon offsets", which is one of the biggest scams ever created. Funny, but you don't really hear it published much that one of the "carbon offset" industry's biggest shareholders is none other than Al Gore, Jr., himself. I thing that the FBI should investigate the whole carbon offset industry under the RICO statues, because it's one major racket!.

Basically Al Gore is nothing more than another aging celebrity Boomer/Hippie who is trying to relive the glory years of his youth by latching on to and reviving the pet causes of the '60's.
Well I don't think he labeled himself as a loser, I think what sent him over the edge was he thought he was cheated and that coupled with his daddy telling him that and god knows what else he was being told that no one knows about sent him packing.
A great role model for the Noble Peace Prize winner! I agree with all of you above. He has totally lost it. Looking at his picture I hope he doesn't explode and spill all those stored up carbon footprint all over us.

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