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  1. R

    pro bono work, wife is pissed

    Not stupid KIND
  2. R

    it's time for our AARP members to check in !

    Fifty -three, just retired in June after 32.5 years on the job. A week later, the wife decides she has to have a new convertible Mustang. Try to get pics up soon.
  3. R

    mufflers for sunfire

    Thanks for all your replys. The information is very helpful. Ray
  4. R

    mufflers for sunfire

    To Gavin I have been a member here from 2001. I don't ask many questions and only give advice when it is of help. I think the old saying "If you can't say something nice (helpfull) don't say anything at all." holds true here. Thank you shvdnlayd for your reply.
  5. R

    mufflers for sunfire

    I know this is not a ST, but I would like to put this out there, and see if anyone has a though. 1997 pontiac sunfire GT 2.4 HO It has single back , and then splits to duel. The muffler sit at the very back on either side of the trunk well.One muffler is a little larger than the other, but...
  6. R


    I have 2001 Sport Trac. Will the outside mirrors from a Explorer Sport fit it? Thanks Ray
  7. R

    Pen Marks on Armrest

    Try MR. Clean Magic Eraser or 3M easy erasing pad. Should be able to get one or the other about anywhere.
  8. R

    timing chain

    I had the timing chain replaced under warranty at about 30,000 miles. Now at 62,000 the noise is back as bad if not worse. I would like to know if anyone knows what will happen if I don't fix it. What will it do to the engine? Thanks, Ray
  9. R


    Thanks for the info on the computer question. I tried it, and it still kicks me off the site. If you know of anything else for me to try, please let me know. I also did what microsoft said, and it didn't work. Again thanks, Ray
  10. R

    Computer question

    Hey, I'm having a problem with my computer. When I am on the internet on certain sites like yahoo music or my step daughter is on myspace, it keeps kicking us off. It comes up with a message of internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to shut down. Sorry for the inconvenience. It...
  11. R

    new tires

    I bought 4 Dunlop Rover at Sears. After instalation, at differant speeds the body shimmies and bounces like a out of round or unbalanced tire. They rebalanced, and it did not change anything. So on the third time back I had them rotate front to back, and still no change. From the start no...