$5 a gallon??!!

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Hopefully a concrete barrier will never be placed in the middle of the freeway. By the way, the smart car is useless unless everyone is driving one. I wouldn't trust crashing into a civic with one of those.

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Hydrogen cars put out water vapor. Water vapor is one of the most offensive greenhouse gases around...

I have also seen a water powered lawnmower...in that old show The Lone Gunmen lol.

People go to state fairs? They still exist? Talk about anachronistic.

EDIT: My cynicism may be unfounded, but when Caymen, the number one dissident of non-mainstream performance options, starts proclaiming something as radical as water power being the way, there is something amiss. While the idea sounds plausible, how can caymen support it? It isn't used in Formula one cars, it isn't a Taylor-vortex wire, and it isn't a blower. It MUST be a lie to dupe the consumer. Capacitive Discharge is a hoax, but water suppliments? Of course that works. Caymen's reversal of position coupled with buying a ds makes me wonder about the state of the world lol.
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Write your Senators and tell them to allow drilling for oil in Alaska and wherever else the stuff is found. Also allow building more refineries, and if they don't you will vote for someone else who will.

The list of Senators is here -----V
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You gotta come a little further south Bigjorgiee, I'm in Pembroke Pines and there's plenty or $3.30 regular unless there's been a big jump between this moring since I got to the office.
I remember the first time I bought gas....it was 19 cents a gal

I fear what will happen in this country if it does go to 5 bucks a gal. Not just the gas price, but everything else we purchase.....not to meantion how much more crime we'll be seeing.

It's going to be tough, but prob alot worse for many of you......I only drive about 5-10 miles a day to get to/from work, store, etc. I only need to fill up about once every three weeks.
The world will crash and proverty will be brutal we all will have to live like gypsy 10 incomes in one house.... i would go nuts if that... Time to start a garden patch
While the idea sounds plausible, how can caymen support it? It isn't used in Formula one cars, it isn't a Taylor-vortex wire, and it isn't a blower. It MUST be a lie to dupe the consumer. Capacitive Discharge is a hoax, but water suppliments? Of course that works. Caymen's reversal of position coupled with buying a ds makes me wonder about the state of the world lol.

I support hydrogen cars? Really? Really?

When did I say that? I did say that I seen that at the Ohio State Fair in operation.

I do not recall seeing water coming out of the tailpipe. I do know that fuel cells produce water when producing electricity.

I do know hydrogen burns. If it produces water in the combustion process I do not know.

Please tell me when I said I supported it?:rolleyes:

You mentioned the cars without stating that you were against them, and that means that you are for them. I don't like boolean logic, but sometimes it works well.

I can't remember what you said when, unfortunately I am not the caymen compendium. So since I can't bring your conversation history to the table, I'll pass on the works of Boole, and the bible, and call it a post ;)


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